Membership in NIRI entitles the investor relations professional to a wide range of services in the areas of educational programs, services and publications. The “graduate school” of investor relations, NIRI provides conferences, publications and networking for the development of its members.

NIRI offers five membership categories: Corporate, Consultant, Service Provider, Affiliate and Academic. The national membership dues of $725 are the same for Corporate, Consultant, Service Provider and Affiliate members. Dues are $150 for Academic members.

Annual dues for the Kansas City Chapter are billed in combination with NIRI National membership. The combined dues for a member of the Kansas City chapter is $925.00.

The rewards from NIRI membership can take many forms, from professional development experiences to idea exchanges and networking opportunities. All of these benefits represent an important investment in yourself and your career – a combination of both lasting value and emerging growth that is hard to beat.

To apply for membership or learn more, visit the NIRI national website’s membership page.

For more information on the KC NIRI chapter, please complete the form below and an officer will be in touch with you.

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